Environmental Impact
Fonebank is committed to recycling mobile devices for reuse wherever that is possible. We purchase, recycle and recommerce mobile devices for corporates, retail partners and public bodies.
Where reuse is not possible because a device is too damaged or cannot be processed because it remains locked to an iCloud Account, a Google Account or to any proprietary system, we arrange for the devices to be deconstructed so that reusable parts are able to be either reused or disposed of in an environmentally safe manner. Abilities Group is the partner company that handles this for us.
Abilities holds relevant Basel Permits issued by the Ministry for the Environment, to enable export of residual hazardous components for recycling at approved facilities overseas.
Devices that can be further used are sent to our parent company, Corporate Mobile Recycling (CMR) Ltd in the UK for refurbishment and sale in Europe or Asia, as appropriate for the model. CMR holds ISO14001 and ISO9001 certification.
Compliance with ISO14001 demonstrates that an organisation is controlling its general impact on the environment. CMR has been accredited to ISO 14001 since inception in 2003. As an internationally recognised standard that has been widely adopted by the industry, the three important aspects of ISO 14001 are:
- Full compliance with European Environmental Legislation, including the WEEE Regulations 2006
- Pollution prevention for ourselves and partners
- Continual improvement of practices regarding environmental impact
ISO9001 demonstrates CMR’s ability to consistently meet customer and regulatory requirements.
Get an Estimate of Value today
If you have mobile phones, tablets or Macs and would like an estimate of value please send us a list in excel or list format to recycle@fonebank.co.nz